Naranjo, Johnathan – Jar with Buffalo Dancers

3.25"w x 4.25"h

$ 500.00

This jar by Johnathan Naranjo captures his unique style of sgraffito and etching on his pottery.  The jar is fully polished and has male and female buffalo dancers around the body of the piece.  The dancers are deeply etched into the clay. The faces are more lightly etched, just taking off the top layer of clay.  The male Buffalo Dancers are etched with their faces almost appearing in shadow.  It is subtle but amazing for design work on the surface of the clay!  Separating the two male dancers is a vertical band of lightly etched designs which represent the patterns on the sashes worn by the dancers.  Jonathan continues to amaze with this designs and technique.   The entire piece has been traditionally fired to create a the coloration.  It is signed on the bottom in the clay.  Johnathan has won numerous awards for his pottery and  Johnathan is definitely one of the young potters to watch!