Williams, Lorraine – Long Neck Jar with Yei Figures

7"w x 10.25"h

$ 400.00

This is a traditional jar by Lorriane Williams.  It is a long neck and  low shoulder.  There are Yei Figures and rug patterns around the neck.  Around the shoulder is a corrugated section with a design created by pushing in the clay.  This is a simulated “rug” pattern, with a similar texture appearance.  Near the base is another mountain style rug pattern.  There is a spirit line which runs from the rim to the bottom of the design, which is traditional on Navajo work.  The designs are further highlighted with additional clay slips.  It has been traditionally fired.  After the piece is fired it is covered in pine pitch, which is typical of all traditional Navajo pottery harkening back to when it was utilitarian.  Lorraine has won numerous awards for her pottery and been featured in books such as “A Legacy of Generations”.