Kenneth Ferguson
Kenneth Ferguson is a professional artist who has his heart in his work. Since transitioning from commercial illustration in the 1980s, he has expressed his interest in history and nature through his paintings. The lifeways of the Native American people who traditionally made their home on the Great Plains and the animals surrounding them are particularly interesting for Ken. “Through my paintings, I shake the dust off the past and present traditional subject matters in a vivid, contemporary way. My interest might derive from the 19th century, but I paint it as a 21st-century artist.”
Ken stands out for his commitment to working solely in transparent and opaque watercolor and using a time-intensive archival varnishing process that eliminates the need for glass. He’s made a career of pushing the medium beyond its usual boundaries, noting that “people have a preconceived impression of watercolor and are often surprised at the rich colors and clean, well-defined edges that can be achieved.”
He has been featured in American Art Collective Podcast, February 2022, listen on Audible, “Beyond Limitations,” Western Art Collector, January 2022, “Life & Work with Kenneth Ferguson,” Voyage Phoenix, September 2021, “A Walk on the Wild Side,” Western Art Collector, September 2021 • “Pictures in the Dust,” Western Art Collector, April 2021, “Engaging with the Arts,” American Art Collector, January 2021, and numerous other magazines.