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Robert Patricio

Robert Patricio

Robert is the son of Doris Patricio and the brother of Doug, Israel, and Myron Patricio.  His great-grandfather was Santiago Zieu, and his grandmother was Helen Zieu Patricio (1911-1983).  His great-aunt was Marie Z. Chino.  His aunt (cousin) was Grace Chino, who taught him to make pottery.  Robert is known for his traditionally built vessels and for using traditional shapes and designs.  He has won numerous awards for his pottery, including “Best of Pottery” at Santa Fe Indian Market in 2010 and 2022!  Each piece is coil-built and painted with clay slips and bee weed (black).  Robert says he signs his “RM Patricio” pieces for Robert Marcus Patricio.

Original price was: $ 1,200.00.Current price is: $ 975.00.
Original price was: $ 1,200.00.Current price is: $ 975.00.
Original price was: $ 1,200.00.Current price is: $ 975.00.