Youngblood, Nathan – Tri-Color Jar with Avanyu

4.25"w x 5.5"h

$ 4,400.00

This is a classic water jar by Nathan Youngblood.  The piece is fully carved, highly polished, and traditionally fired.  The jar has a high shoulder and a turned-out rim. The neck is fully polished red. Around the shoulder is a deeply carved avanyu that is also polished red. The avanyu is carved with sharp angular lightning and rain designs. Below the shoulder is a matte tan band. The base is fully polished tan.  On a technical note, there is a continuous precision and depth to the carving in his pottery.  The deep red clay slip is high in iron oxide and fires a deep red.  The contrast of the polished red with the polished tan and matte is stunning!  The piece was traditionally fired, and on Nathan’s red pieces, after they are fired, he uses screwdrivers to scrape the background area and the side of the carving.  This can take almost as much time as the carving or polishing itself!  Amazing the amount of time that goes into each vessel and yet how stunning they appear!  It is signed on the bottom in the clay with his name and hallmarked name in Tewa, which means “Deer Path”.

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