Gonzales, Barbara – Mini “Swish Pot” with Two Spiders and Flower (1990s)

2.25"w x 1.5"h

$ 175.00

Barbara Gonzales is a great-great granddaughter of Maria Martinez.  She is known for her innovative pottery, which combines etched designs along with inset stones.  This is one of her “Swish Pots”.  She said that while they are basically a seedpot pot, she has put a small bead inside them.  She says you can “swish” the bead around and make a wish”.  The top of the seedpot is fully polished and it has been etched with a flower along with a single spider and a spiderweb.  The top its two-toned sienna.  The spider on top has an inset piece of turquoise. The side is micaceous and it has a single spider etched into he clay and inset with coral.  Barbara says she uses spiders as they are good luck symbols, and the coral is a female spider and turquoise a male spider.  The bottom of the piece is signed, “Than-Moo-Whe”, which is her name in Tewa.  It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.

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