Sanchez, Russell – “Gourd” Bowl with Bear Lid

4.5"w x 5"h (w/ lid)

$ 4,400.00

This is a simple and stunning bowl by Russell Sanchez.  The piece is a classic “gourd” bowl.  There are eight “gourd” indentions on the side.  The name for this style of impression comes from the round sections of gourds used when making the pottery to smooth the surface.  The entire surface is fully polished and fired to a nearly gunmetal shine. The lid is one of his classic bear lids, which fits perfectly onto the piece.  The bowl is simple the angles and shine are what make it so impressive.  Note the position of the indentions, which are at the perfect angle to catch and reflect the light!  The difficulty in a jar like this comes from polishing the gourd indentions and getting a high shine.  This piece was traditionally fired and has a glassy black surface.  The bottom of the bowl has the classic indention of traditional San Ildefonso water jars.  It’s exciting how Russell uses these historical elements to keep them alive in his contemporary pottery.  It is signed on the bottom in the clay, ‘Russell”.