Clashin, Debbie – 17″ Wide “Tribute to Past Potters” Jar (2019), Ribbon

17"w x 9"h

$ 7,700.00

This is a spectacular large jar by Debbie Clashin.  It is inspired by the classic Sikyatki style pottery with a wide shoulder and a slight neck.  The jar is coil-built and painted with bee-weed and clay slips.  The jar is entitled, “Tribute to Past Potters”.  The designs include imagery from Grace Chapella and Mark Tahbo. The lines are exacting and the imagery is creative. The jar was traditionally fired with a striking blush on the surface.  Debbie is a cousin of noted potter Mark Tahbo and a descendant of Grace Chapella.  Debbie has quickly become well known for her large-sized traditional Hopi-Tewa pottery.   It is signed on the bottom with her name and a pipe for his “Tobacco Clan”.  The jar is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair. It has a ribbon for the prestigious “Helen Naha” Award from Santa Fe Indian Market in 2019. This has long been considered one of the most prestigious ribbons for Hopi-Tewa potters as it is designated for the “best Hopi-Tewa pottery entered in that year at Indian Market.”   The judges on the ribbon are Russell Sanchez, Charles King, and Dominique Toya.