Honyouti, Mavasta – “Paqua Katsina” Lidded Frog Katsina Cottonwood Carving
$ 4,400.00
Mavasta Honyouti is a skilled Hopi Katsina carver from Hotevilla Third Mesa; He is Ronald Honyouti’s son and Clyde Honyouti’s Grandson, both skilled Hopi Katsina carvers. He is well known for his scenes carved in low-relief. This piece is entitled, “Paqua”. It is carved from cottonwood root. The lid is a Frog katsina surrounded by reed with clouds around the base of the lid and prayer feathers and a lightning stick in the back. The “jar” of the piece is carved on multiple levels. There are clouds and lightning designs. Around the sides are stylized frogs wearing tablitas. In the back are additional reeds and willows carved into the clay in multiple levels. Near the base are stylized fish carved into the clay! It is an exceptionally detailed piece on every level! This is one of those pieces that you have to take time to look at all the levels of designs and imagery as the piece is turned. AMAZING! The piece is painted after the carving. It is signed, “M. Honyouti”.
It is said of the Frog Katsina:
The Frog Kachina is also known as the Paqua or Pauataga Kachina. It is meant to bring rain and a symbol of water’s importance in the growth of crops. The Frog Katsina is said to have originated in the late 1960s at Shungopavi. During a dance, a large box covered in painted paper made rasping noises. When the paper broke, a Frog jumped out. The Frog Kachina is also believed to provide health, guidance, and protection.
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