Curran, Dolores – “Poly-Tonal” Long Neck Water Jar with Flowers, Avanyu and Bear Lid

3.25"w x 4"h(w/ lid)

$ 1,400.00

Dolores Curran has created her own distinctive “poly-tonal” incised blackware.  This is a style that she originated by modifying the classic “black” pottery with polishing and rubbing techniques to create various shades of black and grey.  The various colorations of gray are from a very time-involved process as the surface areas are either polished or slipped with mica or rubbed until they are almost a gunmetal coloration.  The designs are created by either incising or etching into the surface and this is combined with painted designs.  The neck of the jar has incised flowers across the surface.  At the top of the shoulder are stylized butterflies.  Around the shoulder is an avanyu.  Note the various tonalities in this jar.  Dolores said she used various clay colors before firing to create the variations in the black and gray.  The bottom is polished.  The jar has a lid with a bear.  It is signed, “Dolores Curran”.