Folwell, Polly Rose – “Night Mesa” 9″ Tall Jar with Mesas and Stars
$ 1,200.00
Polly Rose Folwell is a daughter of Jody Folwell and a sister of Susan Folwell. She is known for their use of classic designs on her traditional-inspired Santa Clara pottery. This jar is coil-built and thin-walled. The top of the jar is stone polished and etched with “x’s” representing stars. The body of the jar is painted with clay slips. There are mesas and a river design. It is a striking piece and a creative use of various techniques from painting to polishing, and etching. It was traditionally fired to create the coloration. The jar is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Polly Rose”. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair.
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