Garcia, Tina – Red 32 Rib Double-Indented Melon Bowl (1990s)
$ 1,800.00
Tina Garcia was well known for her focus on traditional shape and plainware Santa Clara pottery. This is one of the few melon bowls which we have seen of her work. The bowl has 32 deeply carved and symmetrical melon ribs extending from the neck to the base. However, note around the shoulder that each rib has an additional carved indention! I’ve never seen anything quite like this before and it creates the illusion of there being 64 ribs instead of 32! The bowl was traditionally fired a deep red. Tina was always focused on form and polish, which created some exceptional vessels. It is signed on the bottom, “Tina Garia”. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.
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