Honyouti, Mavasta – “The Ogres Story” Wooden Vessel

4.75"w x 6.25"h

$ 4,800.00

Mavasta Honyouti is a skilled Hopi Katsina carver from Hotevilla Third Mesa.  He is the son of Katsina carvers Ronald Honyouti and grandson of Clyde Honyouti.  He is well known for his scenes carved in low relief.  This piece is entitled “The Ogres Story”.  It is carved from cottonwood root.  The piece has multiple layers of carving.  The first image is the face of an ogre with round eyes, a corn plant, clouds, and a mouth. In one of the “eyes” is the Soyok Whuti and the other is the Grandmother Katsina.  As the jar is turned in one direction, there is the boy hunting for rabbits to give to the ogre. He is holding a “rabbit stick” for hunting.  The other direction is the girl making Piki bread.  Note the carved-out window and the carved canteen!  Separating the two scenes are clouds, corn (in four directional colors) and a sun.  The piece is highly detailed and tells a cultural story of Hopi!  This is one of those pieces that you have to take time to look at all the levels of designs and imagery as the piece is turned.   AMAZING!  The piece is painted after the carving. It is signed, “M Honyouti”.

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