Lucas, Yvonne – “Seasons” Round Bowl (2025)

4.5"w x 6.25"h

$ 1,400.00

I’m very pleased that after nearly 20 years, Yvonne Lucas has returned to make pottery!  These new pieces reflect a variety of her pottery and each piece is coil-built, stone polished with white clay, painted with bee-weed and clay slips and traditionally fired.  This bowl is a classic round shape.  The white is stone polished and then painted with clouds around the rim and the base.  The central band has alternating red polished flowers and black “old-style” flowers.  Yvonee said she wanted to represent the old style Laguna flowers used on pottery, and her own stylistic approach. It is a classic design with a slightly modernist approach.  The bowl was traditionally fired. There is just a slight bit of a blush from the firing.  The piece is signed, “Y. Lucas”.  

Yvonne has said of her pottery art:

“Am I a Laguna revivalist? I don’t think of myself as a revivalist. Nobody taught me from Laguna. My only tie is Evelyn Cheromiah. I’ve researched by looking at books and taking pictures of historic pots in museums. I pull different designs from the historic pots or just from my imagination. Sometimes, when I look at my pottery, I think, “I can’t believe I made this.”  Yvonne Lucas, Spoken Through Clay

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