Medina, Sofia – 12″ Wide Four Color Jar with Birds and Rainbows (1980s)
$ 1,100.00
This is a striking large water jar by Sofia Medina. The jar is made in the traditional style of Zia pottery. Each piece was coil built, painted with native clays, and native-fired. The shape of this jar has a high shoulder and a short neck. It creates a surface perfect for Sofia’s flowing designs. The jar has two rainbow bands encircling the piece. They are polished red and tan. Note how they extend both above and below the shoulder. Interestingly one of the rainbows has additional clouds extending downward. The jar has hummingbirds above the rainbows and maybe turkeys below. There is a lot of additional fine-line work on the jar. The base is polished red. The jar is simply beautifully polished and painted. Did you know that Zia potters use basalt as their temper for the clay, which gives these pieces their stability but also weight? The jar is in very good condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair. There are a few small areas of rubbed slip, which is not uncommon. It is signed on the side, “Sofia Medina”. Not just a classic piece of their pottery, but outstanding in size, design, and color as well!
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