Namingha, Les – “First Dance” Large Jar with Wide Shoulder

13"w x 9.5"h

$ 15,000.00

This is an exceptional large jar by Les Namingha.  Over the years, he has creatively changed his pottery with new painting and technical styles. This is a large jar with a round shoulder and a short neck.  The piece is entitled “First Dance” and refers to the designs around the shoulder of the piece.  They are all taken from the embroidered shawl and kilt designs seen during the Dances at both Zuni and Hopi.  The neck of the jar has  lightning pattern. There are very tightly painted triangular mountain designs on the top, along with stylized birds and hummingbirds. Below the shoulder are lightning and circular raindrops.  Of course, the Pueblo and Hopi Dances are usually focused on rain, so the drops on the bottom reflect the completion of the dance and the arrival of the rain.   The large size of the jar, the color, and the design content make it and exciting and major work!  The jar is signed on the bottom, “Les Namingha”.

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