Namingha, Les – “Water Jar” Zuni Inspired Jar with Frog and Zuni Katsina Designs

9.5"w x 7.5"h

$ 8,000.00

Les Namingha has, over the years, created exciting variations in his pottery with new painting and technical styles. This jar is inspired by a classic Zuni water jar with raised frogs as part of the design.  This jar is coil-built and has a round shape and asymmetric rim.  On the top of the piece is a frog in relief.  There are also two butterflies, each with pointillism-designed wings.  Around the shoulder are fine-line traditional rain cloud designs. along with larger cloud patterns.  Below the shoulder are two Zuni Rain katsinas, along with a graphic of Longhair katsinas.  There is also a Kolowisi (feathered water serpent) that encircles the jar from top to bottom.  It is an exceptional jar in size, detail, design, and creativity.  As Les is both Zuni and Hopi-Tewa, it’s always exciting to see when he draws from his Zuni background to create pieces.  The piece is signed on the bottom, “Les Namingha”.

“The Legend of Kolowisi:  The feathered or horned water serpent is a hero in Zuni because he saved the Zuni people from the flood. When the waters rushed into Zuni Pueblo, the people fled to the top of their sacred mountain, Dowa Yallane (Corn Mountain), to get above the flood. They were dying of thirst and starvation and so said prayers to each of the six directions, asking for rescue. Kolowisi heard their prayers and came from the West direction and rested his jaw on top of Dowa Yallane and regurgitated fresh water, meat and seeds and so saved the Zuni people. When the waters receded Kolowisi did not want to go back to the West and so he now resides in the underground lake in the South where the katsinas live.”.