Namoki, Lawrence – “2012” Bowl with Massau Katsina and Hopi Migration

4"w x 3.25"h

$ 650.00

Lawrence Namoki was known for the variety of styles of his pottery. While he began with deeply carved pottery, he then evolved into painted designs.  This jar is part of a series he made around 2012 that focuses on Hopi stories of migration from the Third to Fourth World.  This bowl is painted black for the background.  There is a scene with the Massau Katinsa and a ladder, leading the Hopi people on their migration to the Fourth World.  The Maasu katsina is known for handing out “sacred knowledge”.   It has been said, “The lives of traditional Hopi people are the way of Maasawu, a way of humility and simplicity, of forging a sacred bond between themselves and the land that sustains them. Maasau’s way is embodied in corn.  Massau told them that the source of true happiness is to live in peace and harmony with nature, animals, and other people”.  The hands surrounding Massau are colored to represent the North, South, East, and West.  They are painted against a background of stars.  The bowl was traditionally fired to create the blushes on the surface. It is signed on the bottom, “Lawrence Namoki”.  It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.