Namoki, Lawrence – “Summer Solstice” Two Sided Oval Seedpot (1980s)

3.75"w x 2.5"wide x 4"h

$ 800.00

Lawrence Namoki was known for a variety of styles in his pottery.  This is a piece of his pottery from the 1980s.  It is a seedpot that is entitled “Summer Solstice”. The piece is oval in shape and had carved and painted designs on each side.  One side has a Sun Katsina intricately carved into the clay. The opposite side has Eototo and a One Horned Katsina being held up by two hands.  Note the detail in the carving and the use of various clay colors!  The area separating the two carved sections is painted with petroglyph designs representing the Summer Solstice.  The base is painted to look like wood.  The seedpot is painted with various clay slips to have the appearance of wood.  The piece is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Lawrence Namoki”.  It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.