Pacheco, William Andrew – 11″ Wide Jar with Four Dinosaurs (1995)

11"w x 9"h

$ 675.00

Andrew Pacheco is a nephew of noted potter Robert Tenorio.  He is known for his use of traditional techniques and materials but with non-traditional designs.  This is one of his pieces from 1995.  The jar is made from native clay and coil-built.  It was patined with white clay slip the wild spinach (black) and red clay.  The rim and base are both red. The body of the jar has four large dinosaurs along with plant designs.  It is a creative early piece of his pottery!  Andrew started out making traditional Kewa pottery but was interested in dinosaurs. They quickly became a theme on his pottery. It is a charming design on the plate.  It is signed on the bottom, “William Andrew  Pachecho”.   It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair.

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