Pavatea, Garnet – Large Oval Bowl and Ladle with Wind Pattern (1960s)

10.5" long x 8"w x 4.25"h Bowl 8.5" long Ladle

$ 1,650.00

This is an exceptional large oval bowl and ladle by Garnet Pavatea.  Garnet was known for her use of corrugated pottery, but also for her utilitarian forms and intricately painted designs. The bowl is oval in shape and it is fully polished on the outside and the inside.  On the outer band, there is an interlocking wing pattern that is painted with bee-weed and encircles the bowl.  The ladle was made for the bowl and it is fully polished.  The handle is painted with the same interlocking wind design.  Both pieces were traditionally fired so there are light blushes on the surface.  Both the ladle and the oval bowl are a signed “Garnet Pavatea”.  They are both in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair.  It is always amazing to me when pieces like this survive together over the years and the ladle isn’t lost or broken.  Together, they make an important statement about the creativity and importance of Garnet’s pottery over the years.