Peters, Franklin – Water Jar with Fine-Line Clouds and Rain Designs

9.5"w x 7.75"h

$ 1,200.00

This is a very tightly painted water jar by Franklin Peters.  He is known for his thin-walled pottery and use of traditional Acoma imagery on his pottery. The jar is coil built with native clay and bee-weed (black)  The design of the jar has rain and cloud patterns that encircle the piece.  Note the tiny clouds along with the lighting and rain designs.  The thin lines accentuate the flow of imagery.  The jar has an indented base which is reminiscent of historic Acoma pottery when water jars were made to be carried on one’s head!  There is a space in the painting on the rim, which is the “spirit line”, which is seen on traditional Acoma pottery.  It is signed on the bottom, “Franklin Peters”.