Qoyawayma, Al – Lidded Jar with Butterfly Woman and Mosquito Man (2002)
$ 7,000.00
This jar by Al Qoyawayma is from 2002. It is coil-bult and there is a figure in repousse on each side. This means that as Al was building the jar, while the clay was still wet, he pushed the shape of the figures out from the inside! They are not clay added to the surface! On one side is a Butterfly Maiden and it is polished red. The Mosquito Man is polished a brown coloration. The remainder of the jar is polished tan, the natural color of the clay. It is not often that Al will polish the figures that are pushed out in the clay, but rather, leave the matte. The visual result is striking! The two figures are inspired by the Kiva Murals and pre-historic pottery throughout the Southwest (see last photo). The jar is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair. It is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Al Qoyawyama”.
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