Sanchez, Russell – Black-and-Sienna Jar with Bear, Lid and 114 Inset Stones

3.5" long x 5"h

$ 3,200.00

Russell Sanchez continues to be one of the true innovators in Pueblo pottery.  Each piece is perfectly coil-built, stone-polished, and etched.  This is a fully polished jar with an etched bear in the design.  It was fired a glassy black coloration and then two-toned sienna on the neck.  There is a matte band around the center with a row of hematite hei-shi beads above and below. There is a large piece of coral inset into the bear.  The lid is also black-and-sienna with a piece of coral on the top.  There are a total of 114 inset stones on the piece!  All the stones are added after the firing.  The jar is signed, “Russell ’24”.