Santa Clara Four Pieces – Birdell, Rose Tafoya, Margie Naranjo, Michelle Tapia-Tafoya

$ 200.00

This is a group of four pieces from various Santa Clara potters.  They are each made from native clay, coil-built, stone polished and traditionally fired. All are in excellent condition.

  1.  Birdell – Black Melon Bowl, 2.5″w x 2.25″h
  2. Rose Tafoya, Bowl with Carved Feathers, 2″w x 1.75″h
  3. Margie Naranjo , Small black-on-black bowl with cloud design, 1.5″w x .75″h
  4. Michelle Tapia-Tafoya – Black-on-black jar with rain Clouds 1.5″w x 1.5″h


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