Sarracino, Myron – 10″ Tall Jar with Tularosa Swirls and Cloud Beings

9"w x 10.5"h

$ 650.00

Myron Sarracino is one of the few Laguna potters working today.  He learned to make pottery from Gladys Paquin and creates pieces that are thin-walled and tightly painted. This is a classic jar with a round body and elongated neck. The neck of the jar has a complex triangular cloud design.  Around the body of the jar there are large, swirling clouds.  They are each filled in with thin lines representing rain. The large swirls were inspired by the Tularosa pottery of the 1150-1325 era (see last photo).  Extending down from the swirls toward the base are the “cloud beings”.  It is a striking and complex pattern utilizing both design and negative space.  Note on the rim that there is a  painted “spirit line”, which is where the “spirit” of the painter is able to leave the piece and it is also a tribute to the potters who came before.  It is seen on much older Acoma and Laguna pottery.  The jar is signed on the bottom, “Myron Sarracino”.