Sarracino, Myron – Four Color Jar with Rainbow Band

5.25"w x 7"h

$ 240.00

Myron Sarracino is one of the few Laguna potters working today.  He learned to make pottery from Gladys Paquin and creates pieces that are thin-walled and tightly painted. This jar has a low shoulder and tall sides, which creates strong surface for design.  The jar has two bands of plant patterns.  One extends down from the rim and the other up from near the base.  Around the center is a rainbow band that utilizes four different colors (two clay slips plus the white and black).  The flow of the designs accentuates the shape of the jar.  It is nice to see Myron continue to add additional clay colors to his pottery.  Note on the rim that there is a  painted “spirit line”, which is where the “spirit” of the painter is able to leave the piece and it is also a tribute to the potters who came before.  It is seen on much older Acoma and Laguna pottery.  The jar is signed on the bottom, “Myron Sarracino”.