Sarracino, Myron – Triple Rainbow Band Four Color Water Jar

8.5"w x 9"h

$ 600.00

Myron Sarracino is one of the few Laguna potters working today.  He learned to make pottery from Gladys Paquin and creates pieces that are thin-walled and tightly painted. This jar has a round shoulder and an elongated neck.  It is painted with bands of design.  There are three colorful rainbow bands.  Separating them are interlocking clouds.  The jar has both a modern and his ancient appearance.  It is nice to see Myron continue to add additional clay colors to his pottery.  Note on the rim that there is a  painted “spirit line”, which is where the “spirit” of the painter is able to leave the piece and it is also a tribute to the potters who came before.  It is seen on much older Acoma and Laguna pottery.  The jar is signed on the bottom, “Myron Sarracino”.