Setalla, Stetson – Large Open Bowl with Corn Katsina and Moths

12.5"w x 2.25"h

$ 800.00

Stetson Setalla is a grandson of Paqua Naha (Frogwoman) and the son of Pauline Setalla. His brother Dee and sisters Gwen Setalla and Agnes Nahsonhoya also make pottery. Stetson began making pottery at the age of 19.  This is a coil-built large open bowl with a cloud design painted on the rim.  The center has a Corn Katsina on the top half.  The bottom half of the design has four moths.  The bowl was painted with bee-weed (black) and a deep red clay slip. There are strong blushes from the firing. It is signed on the bottom with his name “S. Setalla” and his raincloud symbol.