Tafoya, Jennifer – Water Jar with Four Running Horses

4.5"w x 4"h

$ 3,000.00

Jennifer Tafoya is known for her clay vessels and also her amazing animal figures!  This jar is a classic water jar with a wide shoulder and a short neck. The inside of the neck is slipped with mica and polished.  The shoulder of the jar fully designed with four horses.  Each horse is different from Appaloosa to Paint.  Note the small dragonflies in the sky!  The shoulder of the jar has etched mountain design in red and mica slipped areas.  On the bottom, there are leaves, which she slipped with mica so that they have a bit of sparkle!  The highly polished surface is a perfect background to this intricate jar.  All the various colors are derived from natural clay slips.  It is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Jennifer Tafoya”.  The last two photos are of the jar in process.  First is the jar after the designs are etched into the clay The last is when Jennifer is in the process of painting on the clay slips.