Tafoya-Sanchez, Linda – Bowl with 88 Feathers (2019)

6.25"w x 5"h

$ 1,950.00

This bowl by Linda Tafoya-Sanchez is stunning in design and polish.  The bowl is carved with 88 feathers!  There are 44 on the top half and 44 on the bottom.  They are each cut deeply into the clay and stone polished.  The center of the bowl is carved with two avanyu or water serpents.  That is a traditional design and the style of her avanyu is very similar to that of her father, Lee Tafoya (note the square head on the avanyu).  The top of the bowl is carved with seven clouds and the bottom has eleven mountains.  It is amazingly complicated for the size!  The bowl is fired a deep black.  It is signed on the bottom, “Linda Tafoya-Sanchez”.