Victorino, Sandra – 10″ Wide Water Jar with Snow and Rain Designs

10.5"w x 9"h

$ 2,000.00

WOW!  This is a spectacular large water jar by Sandra Victorino.  She is a niece of noted potter Dorothy Torivio.    Sandra has her own unique style of “op-art”, where the patterns start small, then get larger, and then smaller again on the vessel.  This water jar has a wide shoulder and is painted with four bands of design. There are two with a checkerboard “snow” pattern and two with a fineline rain design.  Separating each section are kiva steps and a red band of rain.  The inside of the rim is also painted with a kiva step pattern.  The piece has a visually striking appearance with complex imagery and an exceptional connection of form and design.  It is signed, “Sandra Victorino”.

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