Youngblood-Lugo, Sergio – “Thunderbird” Large Seedpot

5.5"w x 7"h

$ 4,500.00

Sergio Lugo is the middle son of noted potter Nancy Youngblood and a brother to Joseph Lugo and Christopher Youngblood.  He learned to make pottery from his mother.  Each piece is coil-built, carved or painted, stone polished, and traditionally fired. This large piece is entitled, “Thunderbird”.  The piece has feathers carved around the top and bottom. Sergio said he wanted it to look like a thunderbird egg.  Around the center are eight carved interlocking thunderbirds.  They are either polished or micaceous.  The piece has additional carved feathers.  The seedpot was fired to a glassy, nearly silvery black.  Sergio has a distinctive ability to use both mica and polished surfaces along with creatively carved designs to create innovative pottery.  This piece brings together the theme of the Thunderbird with the form and design, all tightly carved into the clay!  It is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Sergio Lugo”.

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