Manymules, Samuel – Small Jar with Rounded Swirl Melon Ribs

4.5"w x 4.5"h

$ 825.00

This small jar by Samuel Manymules has a short neck and rounded melon ribs.  The ribs are pushed out in the clay and there is a deep groove separating each rib.  The symmetry of each rib adds to the overall appearance of the jar.  The jar is traditionally fired and the coloration is striking!  The variation from black to red to brown gives the piece a sense of motion on the surface.  The browner areas are where it was fired to a higher temperature.  After the firing, the jar is then covered with pinon pitch in the traditional way expected of Navajo pottery.  It is signed on the bottom.  It is extraordinary vessels like this that keep Samuel among the top Navajo potters working today.