Leno, Juana – Bowl with Interlocking Stars and Corrugated Rim (1970s)

6.5"w x 5"h

$ 775.00

Juana Leno is one of the four revivalist matriarchs of contemporary Acoma pottery (including Marie Z. Chino, Lucy Lewis, and Jessie Garcia). She was a daughter of Lupita and Jose Vallo and learned to make pottery from her grandmother Eulilia Vallo. This exceptional bowl is thin-walled. It is painted with a fine-line interlocking star pattern. There are eight-pointed stars interlocked with four-pointed stars.  The rim of the bowl is corrugated with a triangular design and slipped with red clay. The bowl was traditionally fired, which gives it the coloration on the surface.  It is signed on the bottom, “Leno”. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair.  It is a creative piece of pottery by this important Acoma Pueblo potter!

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