Duwyenie, Debra and Preston – Seedpot with Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Turtles, and Silver Lid

2.5"w x 3.5"h (w/ lid)

$ 1,200.00

Debra Duwyenie is well known for her wonderful miniatures and incised designs. Each piece is stone polished, and then it is etched before it is fired! This seedpot is fully etched with design.  The top has a feather and cloud pattern.  Aroudn the sides are flute players, hummingbirds, butterflies, and flowers.  Near the base are six turtles and fish.  Phew!  That’s A LOT of imagery!  Also, check out the turtles because the shell of each turtle is different, and there is one with a “shifting sand” design that represents Preston Duwyenie.  The piece was etched before firing .  There is a lid made by Preston Duwyenie.  It is cast from cuttlefish bone and then cut into a circular sun shape.  It has the same “shifting sand” style pattern as the back of the one turtle. The bottom of the lid is stamped with Preston’s hallmark, and the seedpot is signed with both their names.

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