Duwyenie, Debra & Preston Duwyenie – Tall Jar with 24 Hummingbirds and 44 Flowers

3.5"w x10"h

$ 2,800.00

This tall jar was made by Preston Duwyenie and polished and incised by Debra Duwyenie.  The design on the front is fully polished and full of imagery. The design is a flowering plant that extends up from the base.  Each of the 44 flowers are etched into the clay and the center of each is matte, which is just where the polished slip has been etched away.  There are 24 hummingbirds on the jar next to the flowers.  Each hummingbird is also etched into the clay and with matte bellies.   The remainder of the jar is slipped with a micaceous clay made from Santa Clara red slip.  It is fired a deep red in coloration.  Interestingly, Debra etches her designs into the clay before the piece is fired.  If you look closely you can see how the background area is also vertically etched to create an additional layer to the piece.  The jar is signed with Debra’s name and Preston’s hallmark.



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