Nampeyo, Camille “Hisi” – “Eagle Tails” Water Jar (1990s)
$ 950.00
Camille “Hisi” Quotskuyva learned to make pottery from her mother, Dextra Quotskuyva, a sister of noted painter Dan Namingha and a descendant of Nampeyo of Hano, Annie Healing and Rachel Nampeyo. She is known for using traditional imagery and the delicate painting of her designs. This jar is a classic shape with a round shoulder and turned out rim. The rim is slipped red while the remainder of the jar is white. The jar is painted with eagle tails and bird wings as the designs. The jar was traditionally fired to create blushes on the surface. The piece is signed on the bottom, “Hisi” and a corn plant for Corn Clan. Note the subtle variations in color from the firing. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.
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