Naranjo, Elizabeth – 13″ Tall Water Jar with Carved Avanyu, Clouds, and Feathers (1978)

9.5"w x 13.5"h

$ 2,500.00

Elizabeth Naranjo was known for her large, intricately carved vessels.  This large jar is a striking shape with a very round body and an elongated neck. The neck has 16 carved feathers.  Below are rounded clouds and a deeply carved avanyu around the body of the jar.  The jar is highly polished and fired to a glassy black coloration.  It is an elegant shape with exceptional polishing and carving.  It is signed, “Elizabeth Naranjo”.  There is a great piece of provenance that accompanies this jar, as it was purchased in 1978 from the Popovi Da studio and the original invoice is included!