Naranjo, Kevin & Maria Rose – Bowl with Avanyu and Black Mesa (1990)

3.75"w x 1.75"h

$ 375.00

Kevin Naranjo and Maria Rose Naranjo worked together on pottery in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  Marian made and polished the pottery while Kevin etched the designs.  The shapes of their pottery are wonderful and thin-walled.  This bowl has an etched avanyu around the shoulder.  In one section, there is Black Mesa, which is part of San Ildefonso and Sacred Mountain of San Ildefonso Pueblo.  The bottom of the bowl has bear tracks. The rim is two-toned sienna.  The piece is from 1990.  It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.  It is signed, “Kevin Naranjo and Maria Rose”.

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