Natseway, Charmae – 11″ Tall Four-Sided Lidded Jar with Mimbres Figures and Geometrics
3.75"w x 11.5"h (w/lid)
$ 1,275.00
Charmae Natseway is known for her exceptional painted pottery and the use of distinctive forms. This large jar has four flat sides. Each is painted with a different design. Two sides have large Mimbres inspired figures. The other two sides are complex geometric patterns. The geometrics are highlighted with green, red, and orange clay dots. The lid is also four-sided and painted black. It is a creative and complex series of designs. It is signed on the bottom, “Charmae Natseway”. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.
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Brand:Natseway, Charmae