Natseway, Charmae – 12″ Tall Lidded Seed Jar with Polychrome Acoma Birds
$ 1,400.00
Charmae Natseway is known for her exceptional painted pottery and use of distinctive forms. This is a striking tall seed jar. It is round in shape with a flat top and bottom. One side had a large Acoma bird painted green surrounded by plants and a butterfly. The other side has another large bird painted with green, red, brown, mauve, and yellow clays. The surrounding areas are patined with triangular designs. The lid is in the shape of a leaf, the same as those around the birds! It is a complex and captivating piece! All the various colors are from natural clay slips. The piece is signed on the bottom, “Charmae Natseway”. It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair. It is a striking balance of traditional and historic imagery in a very modern form.
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