Ortiz, Virgil – 19″ Tall “West Directional Figure” (2004)

15"w x 19"h

$ 12,500.00

This clay figure by Virgil Ortiz is from 2004.  It is coil-built and painted with a white clay slip, wild spinach (black) and red clay.  This figure has a great provenance. It was the VERY FIRST figure I acquired from Virgil for our first show in 2004!  It is one of his few “directional figures”. They were meant to represent the North, South, East, and West (based on color). This figure is the “west” directional. What is so unusual is the form, which has a circular body with extended arms and feet. I have to admit, twenty years later, that circular body is still technically amazing!   The piece is painted with wild spinach (black) and red clay slip.  There is are additional clay pieces for the necklace and the earrings. The figure is extraordinary in form and design.  Virgil did not want to re-create ceremonial figures in his work and so he created this style to tell a Pueblo story of the four directions, but with his own style.  The figure was traditionally fired and the small clay tabs were added afterward. The piece is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Virgil Ortiz”.  It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.

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