Roda, Andrew – “Showtime”, Oil on Canvas, 24″w x 48″

24" x 48"" unframed

$ 11,500.00

This painting by Andrew Roda is entitled “Showtime“.  It is oil on canvas. Andrew is known for the realism of his paintings.

“This is a pair of custom Springbok inlaid chaps made for a bareback bronco champion in 1966. They are show chaps, so they are very flashy and fun. It’s the flashy gear hanging on the wall before “The Show.”

Andrew Roda is a western realist oil painter based in Los Angeles, CA.  Often known for bold colors and high contrast settings for his classic Americana subject matter, Roda’s technique conveys attention to detail and realism while still embracing a painterly effect to his work.  Best described as a contemporary take on the classic Trompe-l’oeil still life, Andrew’s use of light, shadow, and contrast creates an incredible depth of field in his work, vividly bringing his subjects to life off the canvas.

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