Tafoya, Jennifer – Jar with Rabbits, Dragonflies and Agave

$ 3,000.00

This is a highly polished and creatively designed jar by Jennifer Tafoya. The piece is square in shape with a short neck, and it is fully polished.  The jar was fired a glassy black and then etched with design.  The top four rabbits that are realistic in design. Note the detail in the fur on each rabbit and the realism of their eyes!  The background plants are equally detailed with the shading on the agave!  I think it is the little details that add so much to her work.  The bottom has old-style dragonflies etched into the clay, along with swirling plants and vines.  It is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Jennifer Tafoya”.  Jennifer continues to be one of the leading innovative potters working today!  She most recently won the “Tony Da Award” for innovative pottery at Santa Fe Indian Market in 2019 and “Best of Show” in 2023!