Tafoya, Margaret – Large Walking Bear Design Bowl (1965) Ribbon

9.5"w x 4.75"h

$ 5,000.00

This bowl by Margaret Tafoya is from 1965.  It is one of her classic pieces that is coil-built, carved, stone-polished, and traditionally fired.  The bowl is carved with a “walking bear paw” design on the outside. The last photo shows her with a similarly designed piece in red.  The “walking bear paw” was a symbol often used by Margaret in her potter.  It is the “L” shaped design, which is the bear walking.  The bowl is round in shape with the design carved into the shoulder.  It is fully polished and traditionally fired a deep black.  The bowl is signed on the bottom in the clay, “Margaret Tafoya”.  Margaret would usually sign her pottery with a stone in the clay before it was fired.  This bowl is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration, or repair.  The piece has a second-place ribbon from the 1965 Gallup Ceremonials.