Tse-Pe & Dora – Clay Turtle with Double Avanyu and Turquoise (1976)

5" long x 2.75"w x 2.5"h

$ 1,200.00

Tse-Pe Gonzales and his wife, Dora, began working together around 1971.  Dora would make the pottery and Tse-Pe would etch the designs. While we have had numerous clay bears, this is the only clay turtle we have had by them. Dora made and polished the turtle.  Around the sides are two etched avanyu.  The etching into the clay was done by Tse-Pe.  There are two inset pieces of turquoise hei-shi beads for the eyes of the avanyu.  The piece was fired a deep black coloration.  It is signed on the bottom in the clay “Tse-Pe and Dora”.    It is in excellent condition with no chips, cracks, restoration or repair.   Tse-Pe and Dora worked individually from 1980 to 2000, but their early collaborative work remains innovative, creative, and of the highest quality even compared to many of today’s potters.