Youngblood, Christopher – 10″ Plate with Carved Eagle

10" diameter

$ 2,200.00

Christopher Youngblood is one of the exciting younger potters working today.  This large plate is carved in the center with a classic eagle design. The wings and tail of the eagle are each carved and rounded out and fully polished. The remainder of the piece is slipped with a micaceous clay.  The contrast of the matte micaceous areas and the polished carved surfaces is visually striking. The symbolism of the eagle in Native culture is especially significant with meanings of courage, wisdom and strength along with its purpose as the messenger to the Creator.  Chris is a perfectionist with the matte areas of his pottery, as they perfectly balance the highly polished designs.  Chris says that he focuses on each piece, taking the time to work on the shaped and stone polish the surface to a high shine, often polishing a piece several times to get it right. He has won numerous awards for his pottery, including the 2104 “Best of Pottery” at Santa Fe Indian Market.