Youngblood, Christopher – “Zen Pond” Wide Shoulder Jar with Four Koi

9"w x 3"h

$ 5,600.00

Christopher Youngblood creates intricately carved vessels that reflect a perfect balance of matte and polished surfaces with intricately carved designs.  This jar has a sharp shoulder and a nearly flat top. The bottom is slipped with mica.  The top has four deeply carved koi that are stone polished.  In the background, Chris has carved the swirling water into the matte area of the jar. The placement of the fish create a sense of motion and movement.  The polishing is striking and creates a contrast between the matte and polished areas.  It was traditionally fired to a glassy black. It is signed on the bottom, ‘Chris Youngblood”.   

Chris said of his pottery:

“I’ve had generations of people before me who have had to learn the hard way. I’ve had that information given to me without having to go through all the struggles. But, I would say on the flip side, having someone so technically advanced as your teacher (Nancy Youngblood), let alone your mother, it’s hard. The expectations are a lot higher.  I’ve learned that now, I never think it’s done. I keep going until I cannot find anything I can refine or add to the piece. To achieve an ever-higher level of precision takes a lifetime. It’s not something you learn; it’s something you live.”  Christopher Youngblood, Spoken Through Clay

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